Artcles in category: Service Mesh

  • Rapid microservices development with Signadot
    Rapid microservices development with Signadot
    Peter Jausovec
    While developing microservices locally is possible, running and testing them in a production-like Kubernetes environment is complex. A typical development workflow while developing service in Kubernetes can significantly slow you down - from building a Docker image, pushing it, restarting the deployments, and testing the changes in a shared cluster. And all that, assuming you manage to keep the shared cluster up to date! In this article, I'll look at a tool called Signadot. Signadot introduces a concept of sandboxes that allow you to considerably shorten your developer workflow and go from minutes to mere seconds! The sandbox concept will enable you to build and run a service locally using the upstream and downstream dependencies inside a shared cluster.
  • How to prepare for Istio certified associate exam (ICA)
    How to prepare for Istio certified associate exam (ICA)
    Peter Jausovec
    CNCF announced a new certification targeting Istio. Istio Certified Associate is meant for engineers, CI/CD practitioners or anyone interested in Istio. We did a full week of streams on YouTube, going through the exam curriculum. This article contains notes, tips, and observations from the Istio Mesh Week live streams
  • Configuring Global Rate Limiter in Istio
    Configuring Global Rate Limiter in Istio
    Peter Jausovec
    Learn how to set up a global rate limiter with Envoy and Istio, along with detailed instructions on configuring various rate limit scenarios. It also explains how to monitor the rate limit service using Prometheus and Grafana.
  • My Journey with Istio: From Incubation to Graduation
    My Journey with Istio: From Incubation to Graduation
    Peter Jausovec
    I share a quick look into my history with Istio and how I've seen it evolve from an incubating project to a graduated one.
  • Using Istio ServiceEntry to configure external services
    Using Istio ServiceEntry to configure external services
    Peter Jausovec
    Learn how to use the Istio ServiceEntry resource to represent external services, be it as IP addresses or host names.
  • How to apply Istio DestinationRule across the mesh?
    How to apply Istio DestinationRule across the mesh?
    Peter Jausovec
    An interesting question came up today in Istio Slack where someone asked if and how one can apply DestinationRules globally to all workloads inside the cluster. The short answer is yes, and this article will explain how to do it.
  • How to configure rate limiter in Istio
    How to configure rate limiter in Istio
    Peter Jausovec
    In this article you'll learn how rate limiting works in Envoy and how to configure a local rate limiter on the worloads inside the mesh, as well as at the edge of the mesh for the ingress and ingress gateways.
  • How to expose custom ports on Istio ingress gateway
    How to expose custom ports on Istio ingress gateway
    Peter Jausovec
    This article explains how to expose custom ports on the Istio ingress and how can you use the same host name, but different port, and route the traffic to two (or more) Kubernetes services.
  • Setting up SSL certificates with Istio Gateway
    Setting up SSL certificates with Istio Gateway
    Peter Jausovec
    SSL certificates are a must these days. They helps protect the data being sent between the server and the client by encrypting it, which gives your website more credibility. In this blog post I will explore a couple of different ways you can obtain SSL certificates and configure the Istio Gateway to use them.
  • GetIstio - CLI, training, and community
    GetIstio - CLI, training, and community
    Peter Jausovec
    GetIstio CLI was released this week. GetIstio features aCLI that offers an easier way to install and upgrade Istio, a free Istio Fundamentals training, and a community, with the first meeting coming up on February 18th.
  • Attach multiple VirtualServices to Istio Gateway
    Attach multiple VirtualServices to Istio Gateway
    Peter Jausovec
    In this post, you'll learn how to expose multiple Kubernetes services running inside your cluster using Istio' Gateway and VirtualService resources.
  • Deploying multiple Istio Ingress Gateways
    Deploying multiple Istio Ingress Gateways
    Peter Jausovec
    Istio allows you to enable or disable different components, as well as tweak the configuration for them. However, what do you do if you want to deploy another ingress gateway? In this article, I go through a couple of exercises and try to deploy a second ingress gateway.
  • Deploy and Operate Multiple Istio Meshes in one Kubernetes Cluster
    Deploy and Operate Multiple Istio Meshes in one Kubernetes Cluster
    Nitish Malhotra
    The rising demand for hard kubernetes multitenancy, either for customers of a SaaS offering or to support disparate internal teams within an organization, coupled with mass adoption of service-meshes (Istio being the more popular of the choices), we are starting to notice a need for supporting multiple meshes within a single Kubernetes cluster.
  • Managing service meshes with Meshery
    Managing service meshes with Meshery
    Peter Jausovec
    If you ever wanted to quickly evaluate service meshes and even run a couple of performace tests, you might want to look into Meshery. Meshery is a multi-service mesh management plane for lifecycle, config and performance management of service meshes.
  • What is circuit breaking?
    What is circuit breaking?
    Peter Jausovec
    A circuit breaker is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by excess current from an overload or short circuit. How does that apply to your services and Istio service mesh?
  • Kubernetes and Istio service mesh workshop materials
    Kubernetes and Istio service mesh workshop materials
    Peter Jausovec
    In the past year, I have done multiple workshops on Kubernetes, Istio and cloud-native development. As part of my workshops I usually start with theory and explain the concepts using slides, show some demos, but then it's on you, the participant to try out the technology yourself.
  • Six exciting enhancements in Istio 1.4.0
    Six exciting enhancements in Istio 1.4.0
    Peter Jausovec
    Istio 1.4.0 was released on November 14th and it came with a lot of new features and enhancements. In this article I go through my favorite six improvements, including the new and simple way of installing Istio and opening dashboards.
  • What are sticky sessions and how to configure them with Istio?
    What are sticky sessions and how to configure them with Istio?
    Peter Jausovec
    The idea behind sticky sessions is to route the requests for a particular session to the same endpoint that served the first request. That way to can associate a service instance with the caller, based on HTTP headers or cookies. You might want to use sticky sessions if your service is doing an expensive operation on first request, but later caching the value. That way, if the same user makes the request, the expensive operation will not be performed and value from the cache will be used.
  • Debugging Kubernetes applications using Istio
    Debugging Kubernetes applications using Istio
    Peter Jausovec
    This article explains how you can use Istio in combination with ngrok to debug a service running locally on your machine while the production version of the service is running in the cluster
  • Kubernetes Ingress and Istio Gateway Resource
    Kubernetes Ingress and Istio Gateway Resource
    Peter Jausovec
    By default, any service running inside the service mesh is not automatically exposed outside of the cluster which means that we can't get to it from the public Internet. Similarly, services within the mesh don't have access to anything running outside of the cluster either.
  • Zero Downtime Releases using Kubernetes and Istio
    Zero Downtime Releases using Kubernetes and Istio
    Peter Jausovec
    The idea behind zero downtime release is to release a new version of the service, without affecting any users — i.e., users don't even know when a new version of the service is released. A practical example would be if you have a website running, how can you can you release a new version without taking the site down?
  • Traffic Mirroring with Istio Service Mesh
    Traffic Mirroring with Istio Service Mesh
    Peter Jausovec
    In addition to more “traditional” traffic routing between different service versions, that can be based on a variety of incoming requests properties, such as portions of the URL, header values, request method, etc., Istio also supports traffic mirroring.